Team Canyon View

Greetings Canyon View Families!
We look forward to another exciting school year full of learning, innovative experiences, and of course, lots of fun and laughter! We cultivate curiosity amongst all students, giving them voice and ownership in their learning.
We have such a dedicated team - our teachers, custodians, groundskeeper, office staff, support staff, Extended School Services team, instructional assistants, and of course, YOU! The Canyon View community historically has stepped up to the challenge to ensure our students continue to have the opportunity to experience art, science, technology, music, physical education, and innovative learning. Our school and students are extremely grateful and fortunate for your generous support of the CV Foundation and CV Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). Team Canyon View provides family programs through the PTO and raises monies through the Foundation to support school instructional programs that are targeted specifically to meet the needs of all Coyotes. We are student-centered and future ready!
We strongly encourage you to get connected to our school community. Please volunteer, join the PTO, support our Foundation, attend school events, and communicate your questions, thoughts, and ideas to me and Team Canyon View. And of course, most importantly, continue to be an active participant in your child’s education. You are their biggest cheerleader!
We look forward to meeting many of you for the first time, as well as welcoming back the many familiar, friendly faces! Go Coyotes!
Erica Edmonston
Principal, Canyon View Elementary School

The Poway Unified School District actively supports the CHARACTER COUNTS! Program and the Six Pillars of Character.
The Six Pillars are the foundation for showing good character from the time a student rides a school bus, to learning in a classroom, eating lunch, and interacting with others. The Six Pillars of Character has become part of the language among students and staff, and students are encouraged and recognized for showing good character. Most schools have banners, murals, and posters displayed on their campuses. Some schools have named their halls after the pillars, such as “Caring Court” and “Responsibility Road”.
The CHARACTER COUNTS! framework is not only visible through displays, but more importantly, it is evident in how students and staff respect each other every day. Showing good character supports a positive school climate and safe, caring learning environment.
Canyon View will improve the moral climate by teaching, advocating, enforcing and modeling the 6 pillars of character including trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship by insuring that in every relationship CHARACTER COUNTS!