Team Canyon View


The Canyon View Foundation is excited for our annual Canyon View Jog-A-Thon! This year we will have our second BUBBLE RUN for our JOG-A-THON!! and it will be held on March 22, 2024. Get ready Coyotes for some bubbletastic fun!!!
The JOG-A-THON is a student-driven fundraiser that is a fun way to promote health and fitness for the students while raising money for our school! The CV Foundation raises money for our school so we can have amazing special programs (Art, Music, Computer Science, P.E., Science, and IMPACT). In addition, money raised supports many other classroom and school needs not met by the current district budget. Without your support and the donations received we would not be able to provide these wonderful enhancements for the education of our Canyon View students.
Click on button below for the JOG-A-THON Packet.
Click on button below for the JOG-A-THON Pledge Card.
Each student will receive a JOG-A-THON Packet. The packet includes an information letter and a Pledge Card with an envelope stapled to it.
Students are encouraged to find sponsors that want to support them by either pledging a flat amount donation or by pledging a per lap donation.
Pledges can be made by cash, check or online.
We are using 99Pledges, a fundraising platform, for online pledges/donations. Each student will have their own pledge page for collecting online pledges.
An email will be sent with a link to your student's pledge page. If you do not receive the email, please contact Chuong at president@canyonviewfoundation.org.
Link to the fundraising page: https://app.99pledges.com/fund/cvesjog2024
Please support your student's endeavors in finding sponsors and collecting pledges. Some ideas for sponsors are family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.​
​​The lower field will be divided into two tracks that meet in the middle. One track is for jogging and running and one track is for walking. Students can choose to switch between the two tracks or stay on one the whole time. The tracks will be approximately 1/10 of a mile each.
Before classes go to the tracks to start their Jog-A-Thon, they will have a 5-10 minute warm-up session off to the side on the lower field.
After the warm-up, the students go to the track for their Jog-A-Thon session. Preschool, TK, K, 1st and 2nd grades will have a 20 minute session. Grade 3rd, 4th and 5th will have a 25 minute session. During their session, students will complete as many laps as they can either walking, jogging or running.
Students will have lap sticker that will be marked with each lap they complete, so they can keep track of their final number of laps
​​The students will let their sponsors know how many laps they completed and how awesome they did!
Students collect any donations from sponsors that are cash or check, and remind sponsors of the special pledge page link if they want to make an online donation.
A filled out Pledge Card with all donations and any cash/check donations should be turned into the students teacher from March 25 - March 29.
Students that return Pledge Cards and donations by March 29 will receive an entry into the Jog-A-Thon Opportunity Random Drawing for fun prizes.
All students that turn in a Pledge Card will receive a Participation Prize.
March 8
March 11 - 21
Students Find Sponsors
March 18
Spirit Day: Crazy Outfit Day
March 19
Spirit Day: Sports Day
March 20
Spirit Day: School Spirit Day
March 21
Spirit Day: Pajama Day
March 22
March 25 - 29
Collection Week
Everyone that returns a Pledge Card will receive a Participation Prize.
Students with the most laps recorded for each grade. There may be multiple prizes awarded. Most Laps will be invited to the special Awards Pizza Party with Principal
The class with the highest percentage of students returning donations (one class in Grades 3-5 and one class in Preschool - 2nd Grade) will receive a pizza party and $50 for classroom enhancement.
If 80% or more of a class brings in donations, the class will receive a Popsicle Party.
​The student in each grade that brought in the most number of pledges that are $10 or greater. Super Coyotes will be invited to a special Awards Pizza Party with Principal Edmonston.
​Top 10 students with the greatest amount of money raised in donations. Cool Coyotes will be invited to a special Awards Pizza Party with Principal Edmonston.
$35,000 GOAL
​There will be a special school-wide prize if we reach our goal and raise at least $35,000!
*Ties for prizes will go to most $ in donations for class or student*
We would love to see your pictures from JOG-A-THON!
If you have pictures from the JOG-A-THON Spirit Days and/or the Jog-A-Thon day:
Share your pictures for the Yearbook:
Share pictures on the TreeRing website (www.treering.com) or app.
1) If you already ordered a CVES yearbook , login to your TreeRing account and go to “Share Photos”.
2) If you do not have a TreeRing account yet, go to the website and use the school’s passcode.
Passcode: 1016614007931697
Share pictures in "Comments" of the CVES social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cvescoyotes
Instagram: CVESCoyotes
If you have any questions, please contact president@canyonviewfoundation.org.
The Canyon View Foundation thanks you for all your support in making CVES an even better place to learn & grow.
Participation in the Jog-A-Thon fundraiser and/or making a donation is voluntary and not required.